Mental health and well-being involves everything, whether it's to do something or not we have to stay in control.
Mental health includes social, emotional and psychological state that affects how we feel, think, handle stress, how we manage our own actions and communication with others. Our own responsibility is to understand ourselves as every chapter of our life starting from our childhood can affect our pleasant moment now, however we tend to hold on to our traumas, pains, struggles and many more variable that keep us in protective loop. I can relate many topics to my own mental health where it can-will affect your thinking, actions, communication and hinder your abilities to open up your potential. Because if we are not progressing mentally, we held onto things that limit us in future. As we get older we realise that it is a matter of self-control and being aware of your own abilities. Some days we hinder ourselves from being unique-different as we all have our strengths and weaknesses and that is OK, you are human!
Let’s start with Ourselves:
The self-awareness is crucial for every single one of us, we all have the ability to focus on ourselves, actions we make that will determine our well-being in long run. I recommend reviewing each day on how you feel, what our emotions telling us, what self value we have that makes us unique. By giving yourselves feedback it will help you understand who you are, what you are and what you can do better to be the best version of yourself!
“You can help yourself when you are open to your emotions in order to target your weaknesses”
The emotional health has its purpose in us to test us to see how we cope with our own decisions and the ability to think clear on our actions. Sometimes, we react bad because we hold something inside us and afterwards we feel bad for what we have done or how we treated someone. Believe me, I totally understand how you feel! It is OK, as long as you are aware of it you can improve. How you may ask? Simply have 2 perspectives: I can be bad or good, I want to be treated good of course so be good to others as it will come back to you on the day when you are at your lowest. Don’t expect it from everyone as we all going through something, so please bear that in mind! But we can have a better perspective by understanding that that individual is in pain-hurt and our task is to have positive perspective to make them feel happy, good, valued as it is very simple to do. In return, you will feel happiness, value, respect because this gives you empathy powers. What? Yes, when we help someone we feel good for it right? That is your powers, you are helping someone and that someone may not make a wrong decision today or be harsh to someone as you gave them the hope of other perspective.
“Be role model to everyone, help others and yourself in return to see the value of your abilities-powers”
The stress of everything that overtakes our thinking, ability to control ourselves and more. We all have it but not all of us can control it because we don’t review ourselves. We work, we help others, we rush, we want to achieve everything, or we stop because we can’t handle it, and we need a break which is OK. But do not hide yourself in a room and space out from everyone! Yes, it may help you to take time for yourself and reflect on your actions, impact on others, your own mistakes and so on. How do I reduce my stress? The answer to that is, you are doing something physically, as I believe if you apply physical activity in relation to your mental well-being your body will communicate. When you exercise our body releases a chemical that is called Endorphins. Which trigger our positive thinking = happier mood, feeling less stressed, boost self-esteem, improve sleep and so on. You may ask, but I am not confident to go gym? All you need is commitment to go outside for bike ride, power walk, jog, swim or even small circuit outside in your garden. Yes, you may feel unfit and that you are useless…that is OK, now you are aware of what you need to work on + have a routine to work on yourself = BECOMING A BETTER IMPROVED YOU DAY BY DAY! Isn’t that great, now you are putting time to focus on yourself physical and mental health.
Do you feel like you are stressed as much now? Probably not
Are you overthinking as much? Don’t think so, why? Because you put your wellbeing as priority over problems-unhealthy actions
“Please give yourself another chance to try something for yourself and believe in yourself again”
To summary up our discussion today, try to not overthink on what you can do and what you can’t do. It is a matter of time that you will become strong, confident, less stressful and most importantly better version of yourself. I have faith in you and I truly believe once you review yourself and put weaknesses into actions of self development you will become a very strong individual.
If you have any questions, don’t be shy or worried to ask. I write these blogs with passion and desire to help at least one person a day x 365 that is very important to me. Why you may ask? I am Ukrainian and I came to England at 12 years of age where I had no friends (real once right) or had a real interaction-kiss from a girl until I was 19/20 years old. Because I had 0 confidence, didn’t know English, did'n’t understand the culture, felt left aside like a bin-waste, not being valued or appreciated.
What has helped me?
I remember signing up to Chequers Gym in Herne Bay. I would train every day which wasn’t smart, but I grew strong and big which then people at school noticed but still not what I wanted. I then realised it is all about you, not how you look or how big you are. You become the master of your mental well-being, and you become unique to yourself. You won’t need validation from anyone, or love! Yes I am open, but look…this is reality and this will help those who fight all of their life with themselves.
"I am not a doctor! I am just here to help everyone as much as I can with my experience with myself and working with people over 6 years”